Saturday, April 5, 2008

Full Size Blueprint

Once I combined the two guitars shapes into one; I erased the unwanted lines in Microsoft paint. I printed out the resulting image.

With the print out; I measured across the widest point of the print and compared that to my precision bass. For example my print out was six inches across and the measurement across the precision bass at the same area was twelve inches. My image needed to be twice as big. So in "page set-up" in Microsoft paint, I increased "print image" to 200%. When I printed out the image the second time: it printed over several pages and I combined these images to make my blueprint.

I wanted to make my bass slightly smaller (11 1/2 inches wide), so in my project I actually printed out mine to be 186% larger.

I did rearrange the placement of the control knobs and shifted the jack plate closer to the end to line up with structural elements to keep it similar to the strat profile.

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