Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Beginning

I recently became interested in building a bass guitar. My first project started as a fretless, but after several twists and turns has turned into two, no make that three guitars.

As I bought parts and other parts became available, the original project changed.

The very first one was to add a neck to a finished body for my son. I was originally going to modify this body for my project but I decided it was too nice for that and my son wanted a bass. But, with the purchase of a new Dremel tool, I did change the neck pickup of this Jazz bass clone to a precision pickup. I also made my first pickgaurd for this bass and shortly after that, made one for one of my existing bass guitars.

The neck I originally bought for my son's bass was way too yellow to match the finish on the body, so I had an extra neck.

I purchased another body for the fretless project and with the trusty Dremel, I began to route a pickup pocket for a jazz pickup in the bridge location of this precision bass body. The original idea was a bass that looked similar to the Marcus Miller signature Fender Jazz Bass. Unfortunately, the wood grain wasn't of the quality for a natural finish.

Marcus Miller Signature Jazz Bass

After a lot of time of sanding and priming, the body was ready to paint. The original idea was to paint the body and the matching headstock a metallic copper to match my car. But due to delays due to weather and work conflicts, my painter wasn't able to get to it before the project took another turn.

I found a Warmoth body on Ebay. The body was made of walnut with beautiful grain, perfect for a natural finish. I won the auction and now I had an extra body and neck.

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